(For those of you just tuning in to my blog, here's an update: I quit my job to be a SAHM (Stay at Home Momma) because my husband was offered a lead pastoral position. So my husband and I moved our family across the state and now we're so blessed to be living in the church's parsonage)
What have I been up to? Well today I woke up at "a time". A say "a time" because I still haven't unpacked the alarm clock which was primarily used for waking me up to go to my work outside of home. Now I have an all natural alarm clock (trying to stay green these days hee hee) with the sound of my 20 month old talking up a storm as he wakes up every day. I'd much rather hear his cute little voice than "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!"....so anyway I never looked at the clock to see what time it was that I awoke. After that I cooked Ike a wholesome breakfast consisting of eggs, toast with raspberry jam and bananas (he says banan an na's...so cute). Then I cleaned him up, got him dressed and ready to go with daddy to the church next door for some morning time. Morning time is for all of us really. It gives daddy some Ike time, mommy some shower time, and Ike some "go" time ("go" means anything to do with leaving the house which is super fun for him these days). After a shower and a cup of coffee...well half a cup of coffee...Isaac was back home for some play time. Isaac is in LOVE with his train table these days. And his favorite show right now is Thomas. He's picked up some sayings from the show which he pretends with while he's chuffing his trains around on the table. His favorite saying is "Faster! Faster!" I played with him for a bit and then put some laundry away. Then he was down for a nap.
I haven't quite developed a daily routine yet as we are all still trying to get settled in and unpacked. A routine is slowly developing though. The first half hour of his nap is dishes and cleaning up from morning toy extravaganza's. If I don't do this it piles up...especially because we only have a manual dish washer *eh hem* me and my pretty little hands. After I clean up I have some me time for about 40 minutes (watching anything crafty on the 'ol boob tube) until the guilt of sitting sits in and then I get up to "do something". Today that "something" was more laundry and cleaning of the bedroom. We also don't have a washer which means I can't do laundry every day which means we have to wash it at the laundry mat once a week which means I have a weeks worth of laundry to fold and put away every week. But this is soon to change as the church is looking for a new washer for us.
After nap time was lunch time and then off to the grocery store. I've been inspired to do couponing. I went to a mom's night out thing hosted by another church the next town over where this lady took a table full of groceries and a receipt that went from her head all the way down to the ground and showed us how she only spent $6. Items like two jumbo pack of Huggies diapers, two sticks of deoderant, cover girl make up, band aids, food, etc. etc. and SHE ONLY SPENT SIX DOLLARS! I immediately was like, "I'm totally clipping coupons". It's slow going for me as I have never been a coupon clipper but this is exciting stuff people! I follow several blogs who basically tell me what the great deals are and then every Wednesday is my shopping day. Today I spent $80 on groceries and saved $47. Not that bad for a first try! I've always been a really thrifty shopper so this is right up my ally.
After shopping it up at the local Safeway, it was time to head back home. I made dinner (chicken baked with cheesy scalloped potatoes and green beans with almond slices...super easy dinner to just whip up after a full day and feel like you didn't cook). After dinner was more play time as a family and then Isaac was off to bed. I listened to my hubby's run-through of this weekend's sermon, practiced my guitar for a bit and now I sit here telling you all about my day.
Life's pretty exciting right now. Like any job I've had in the past, I have some learning curves and adjustments to make. But I'm liking my new job as SAHM. I am SAHM. Ha-ha...I just thought of that. Get it - I am Sam the movie...I am SAHM... *crickets chirping* :)
Tomorrow is another day, the snow is still on the ground so there's still one more day we get to play in it. And I'm so excited to wake up to the sound of my son's jibber jabber. I'm not working for money but I can still do it!